Is the end nigh?

A few days ago I was searching online for the date when the next Beloit Mindset List would be released when I noticed that Beloit College has stopped hosting the list. All links with the URL beginning now redirect to, the “official home of The Mindset Lists.” Searching for the Mindset List on Beloit’s page still brings up results, but all those links are no longer active.

For the past several years, the new list was announced on both web pages, but Beloit College has apparently cut ties to Messrs. McBride and Nief. For our humble website, dedicated to the destruction of the once mighty Beloit Mindset List, this is good news indeed.

One of our commenters also claimed this week that “Beloit is dispensing with the Mindset List!” However, I can’t find any news online about this. If anyone knows more, please let us know.

It’s not hard to fathom why Beloit College has washed its hands of the Mindset List. Just look at the Mindset List Facebook page where (as I noted last year) a disheveled Tom McBride delivers incoherent video rants on such topics as “Enos Penis & Donald Trump,” “TRIED THE PLOW POSITION YET?”, “The day I got busted for throwing a jock strap in the band hall,” “Dear Millennials, Don’t Believe The Perfumed Bullshit They’ll Tell You About GROWING OLD!” (“growing old is a kind of slow-motion tragedy” that often involves being too unattractive to have sex), “Got a a persistent rash? Rub some toothpaste on it!”, “SOMETIMES RACISM IS NECESSARY. Here’s Why” (because killing “gooks” in Vietnam brought whites and black together), “3 Types of Witches” (“Recently I read that [witches have] the ability to rob men of their genitals”), “Joe’s Sex Toys,” and “No, Harry Potter does NOT do Fellatio!”  McBride has produced over 500 of these bizarre videos since June 2015.

Obviously, Beloit College, which, like many liberal arts colleges, has fallen on hard times, does not need Tom McBride as its most prominent spokesperson.

Sadly, there will be a Mindset List released Tuesday, but Beloit College will have nothing to do with it.

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